The association has now changed internet provider to Bahnhof. To activate your connection, follow these steps. If you need assistance, contact Bahnhof on 010-510 00 00 or send an email to and we will try to help.
1. Connect your router to your internetsocket which is placed in your home.
2. Start up your computer and open up a web browser. You will now be directed to our activationsite
If you don’t, you can type in the adress manually in to your browser. If you have further troubles, contact our customer support at 010-510 00 00.
3. Choose your address and apartment number.
4. Wait 15 minutes and restart your router. You are now ready to surf!
Previous published news:
As the board informed the summer of 2021, the association has signed an agreement with Bahnhof that they will take over as our internet provider. The change provides a higher speed both upstream and downstream for us residents and a not insignificant cost saving for the association.
What’s affected is the internet connection, IP-TV, and IP telephony. If you have one of the latter two, you will need to sign new agreements with Bahnhof and you will have to order a new router. What is delivered via ComHem is not affected.
Another consequence is that email addresses from Bredbandsbolaget/Telenor, such as those that end with, will stop working. Bahnhof offers six mail accounts, but these will not be available until the change. A few options that do not depend on you being a customer of an ISP are Google (, Microsoft (, or Yahoo (
The change will take place on March 28. You may have some problems with connecting to the internet during that day.
There is an information sheet from Bahnhof with, among other things, this information:
- What to do on the day of the change
- If you want a new router, how do you do it?
- If you want IP TV or IP telephony, how to go about it